
Hengchun - Donggang Day 7

Gepubliceerd: 21.12.2018

On Friday my path led me towards the north for the first time. This change of direction brought the sea to the other side. The sun shines on my back all morning and the wind is now coming from the front. I have to get used to that. After the first part of the route, I could already guess what awaits me soon. The horizon appeared multicolored, no longer just blue, but also gray, red, orange. Smog. The west side of the island is densely populated and also has a lot of industry. That's why nature will be left out for the next few days. I decided yesterday to only ride in the morning and switch to a ferry after 65km, which took me to Lambai Island. The island was recommended to me by Sally, a Swiss girl I met at the last hostel. Because of the nature and a beach where about 200 sea turtles use the bay for overnight stays every day around 3 p.m. The island itself is all about mass tourism. There are 3 ferry companies that operate almost hourly, many hotels and stalls. I took my bike to the island and circled it halfway. The mentioned beach is not suitable for swimming because of the coral. But the turtles also came as promised. I must have seen about 20 of them in the waves, stretching their necks above the water. I haven't seen these many and large turtles before. After that, I took the ferry back to Donggang, where I will spend the night. Unfortunately, I didn't take many photos, despite the only 80 kilometers I cycled today, it was a little challenging.

Best regards


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