From Austria to Australia
From Austria to Australia

Kyrgyzstan: bridge between heaven and hell

Gepubliceerd: 15.10.2017

If we think back and try to sort the experiences we have made in Kyrgyzstan we have taken a ride on an emotional roller-coaster. The beauty of this country is hard to describe in words, but we tried to catch some moments with some pictures. Incredible big and beautiful lakes covered by high snowy mountains and lots of trees and plants in every colour you can imagine in autumn. But the beauty of this country was accompanied by some really hard challenges we had to face. We entered the country when it was already dark so at the second day we wanted to get some impressions by driving along the lake Yssykköl, having a meal and just relaxing. It was absolutely amazing. But when we wanted to make our way to the next guest house we realized that we were stuck in the sand and couldn´t move a mm. So we had to find a car that was able to pull us out, and believe us, it´s a challenge to describe the situation to people without understanding a word that we said. So we have tried it with a hand full of sand and making some noises of a stuck car like brum brum brum..... After some time we found a nice farmer who was willing to help us, but his car also got stuck in the sand. So we had to find a bigger and stronger one. After some hours we have found a big truck that pulled us out and after sunset the wheels of Rosy touched asphalt again. So we went to a nice guest house, where we had a perfect stay with a nice, little, warm room and good food. What I have to mention are the carpets that you can find everywhere in the houses. Carpets on the wall, at the ceiling, on couches, on the tables, on the beds and of course on the floors, so we were surrounded by carpets. The next day we started our trip to the south, where we had to pass some roads in really bad conditions and high mountains, by the way some trucks got stuck in the mud, so we were really happy that Rosy managed it to take us over this mountains. But the euphoria was destroyed when we heard that the following road was closed because of too much snow, so we had to go all the way back to Bishkek, to get another road to the south. This was too much for Rosy so we had a tire blow-out and some other problems, so we had to find a CTO for Volkswagen in Bishkek to repair the stuff. This turned out to be the next challenge so we decided to ask the consulate for help. After the repair we made our way to the south again and after 12 hours of driving we finally arrived Osh, where we actually stay, before we make our way to the Chinese border tomorrow.
