Südjütland - 24.7.-2.8.2020
Südjütland - 24.7.-2.8.2020

Rømø - a trip to Europe's largest beach

प्रकाशित: 07.08.2020


The sun shines in the morning and we set the table in the garden.

View of the Slotsgade

Breakfast in the garden

Ingrid is away at a family celebration until Saturday evening, so we have the house to ourselves. Including the garden table!

Just 60km to the west is the island of Røm, with Europe's largest beach. The mainland is connected by a 9.2km long dam, an endless road with a bicycle path.

The dam to Rømø

The beach at Lakolk is over 1km wide. Large parts of it can be driven on by car. I am initially skeptical. The sand is very firm, so there is no risk of getting stuck - but it's also not the kind of sand where children can dig much.

Although the sight of cars on the beach is initially strange and reminiscent of the USA, it does have its advantages. Especially when you need to go to the toilet. Without a car, it would be about 3-4km away (plus the return journey) - depending on where you parked. We drive along the beach, amazed, find a spot further away from the entrance with a view of the sea and the hustle and bustle around us, and settle down on our camping chairs, simply enjoying the scenery.

The sun is kind to us and reaches a pleasant 25 degrees Celsius around midday. With a gentle breeze - absolutely fantastic. After a small snack, we set off for a walk along the beach.

The shallow tidal creeks are warm, small fish visit our feet. However, the water of the North Sea is only for the brave. The temperature is estimated to be between 15 and 18 degrees Celsius. After about 3km, the beach is closed. First to cars, then to pedestrians as well. It is also necessary to protect nesting sites for oystercatchers and other seabirds.

The dunes are rather low and can only be found on the mainland side. The view of this seemingly endless beach is simply spectacular.

In the small shopping area in Lakolk, the town near this main beach on Røm, we treat ourselves to a gigantic ice cream.

It's not as good as the ice cream in Sønderborg, but it's easily three times as big! Instead of exploring the island further, we stay at the beach until after 5:00 p.m.

Afternoon on the beach on Rømø

There are still 19 degrees Celsius, but the wind makes it feel chilly. It's just too beautiful.

In the evening, we feel great. Nice and tan!

View from the skylight of one of our rooms onto the night-time Aabenraa

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