20.02.-21.02.18 - Phuket

प्रकाशित: 22.02.2018

20.02.18 - Relaxing Day

Around 12:00 PM I woke up from my slumber.😅

I had breakfast with Aida and we talked for almost 4 hours.

Since she does martial arts and is interested in Thai Boxing, we decided to explore the area.

We found a Thai Boxing school where she signed up for the next morning.

I could have joined too, but I knew I would be exhausted afterwards.😅

After visiting the school, we walked to the shopping center to buy a cable for my GoPro so I could charge it and start using it.😀

Then we went to have some food. Two men sat next to us and started a conversation. They were from Sweden and had just returned from a cruise to Phuket.

They bought us coffee and 2 whiskies. I had one whisky, and I gave the other one to Aida. 😀 They wanted to meet us later at a bar, but we decided to decline the invitation.

With full stomachs, we headed back to the hostel.

We then decided to sit on the beach and talk about everything.😀 I learned that Aida is religious and follows Islam. However, she has been raised with liberal values, so you would never guess that she is a Muslim. Since I only have superficial knowledge about Islam, I wanted to learn more. The conversation was very interesting, and thanks to her, I gained some more insight into Islam.☺

Time flew by, and it was already 02:00 AM.😀

It was time to go to bed, so we walked back to the hostel.

21.02.18 - Trip to Big Buddha and Karon Beach

I met up with Aida again in the afternoon to do something together.

We thought about renting a scooter and driving along the coast.

When we arrived at a rental place, they asked if we had any experience. Since we didn't, Aida strongly advised against driving in Phuket as the traffic is very chaotic and accidents happen every day, resulting in expensive repairs. I appreciated her concern for us, even though she didn't have to care and could have made money with us.

We decided to look for an alternative to go on a small tour.

Tuk-tuks were too expensive, so we were offered to ride on a scooter with a Thai person for 3 hours.😅

Being a little bit crazy, we couldn't decline the offer and looked forward to the adventure.😄

We ended up being three people on the motorbike, just like some locals here.😂

Tourists looked at us in horror when they saw us.😂🙈

We made our first stop at Karon Beach and then continued to Big Buddha.

It was a nice trip and a very exhilarating ride - I had a lot of fun.😁

In the evening, I met two more Germans in the hostel who were also staying in Aida's room, as well as a Canadian who works and lives in China. It was their last night in the hostel.

They asked if we wanted to go out for dinner together, and the five of us went. We talked about traveling and experiences again.

After dinner, we went our separate ways, and Aida and I went to our favorite bar with live music. 

It was really nice there again. Drinking, singing, and dancing. 😅😁

Back at the hostel around 05:30 AM, I just fell into bed.😅

Unfortunately, I had to say goodbye to Aida as she was moving on as well. I hope to see her again someday because we got along very well from the first minute. 😊

I will spend the last 4 days in Phuket relaxing a bit, maybe go on another trip. I will let you know if there's any news.☺

Until then.✌

जवाफ (2)

Hallo Steffi, ich lese Deine Zeilen mit Begeisterung und bin gleich in meinen Gedanken in Thailand😁 Ich freue mich jetzt nochmehr auf Vietnam😁Ganz liebe Grüße Beate😘

Ich lese nur immer bis 2 Uhr wach Alles ausnutzen 😂

यात्रा रिपोर्टहरू थाइल्याण्ड

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