Even though it's Saturday, breakfast times are the same. That means breakfast between 6 and 8:30 тШХя╕П. But that's fine with me since I'm an early riser anyway ЁЯШК.
I'm scheduled to have breakfast at 7:45. Luckily, someone from my room leaves earlier and I wake up because I had set the alarm on my watch for 7:00, but I only have it turned on from Monday to Friday ЁЯШЕ.
Fortunately, I notice this around 7:30, so I'm still on time ЁЯШЗ.
To celebrate the weekend, instead of the usual oatmeal with fruit salad and scrambled eggs, I had fruit salad with hard-boiled egg and mini bagel with cream cheese ЁЯШ╕.
After breakfast, we want to check out what we can do today, since there's nothing special on the agenda ЁЯУЭ.
So we walk around a bit. First, we walk to the tennis courts. Along the way, we cross a bridge that makes you feel like you're in the jungle.
After a small left turn, a small right turn, a big left turn, and a big right turn along a kind of pond, you arrive at the tram stop, from where you can continue to the basketball courts, tennis courts, or other places. We then walked along the courts where the optional match play was. Then we passed by the Prince Innovation Center. There, among other things, you can have your racket strung or buy one, and so on.
Next, we wanted to check if we could already go to the pool, as it has opening hours.
At that time, it was around 8:30 and the pool opens at 10:00 on Saturdays and Sundays. So we decided to explore the area a bit more and then play a little match on one of the courts ЁЯО╛ЁЯПЛЁЯП╝ЁЯПЕ.
During our 'exploration tour', we also passed by the buildings that I think are meant for families to live in on campus during their time here. The whole thing looks - in my opinion - really cool, as it feels like you're on one of the federal highways in the USA ЁЯЪШЁЯЪж.
Our further path led us past the Wellness Spa, which is located at the end of the campus but can only be reached from the parking lot, so I assume you can book massages or something similar there for a fee ЁЯТЖЁЯП╝.
We then continued along Bollettieri Way, back to the courts and then took the tram to the dorms.
I hope that everyone who has something to do with school at home had a beautiful first day of vacation, and the others had a nice start to the weekend тЬи.
Enjoy Sunday and appreciate every single second of life!
'He who does not value life does not deserve it.' Leonardo da Vinci
Ein ganz dickes Lob f├╝r deine ausf├╝hrliche Berichterstattung.
Ich kann mir alles, auch ohne Bilder, wunderbar vorstellen.
Liebe Gr├╝├Яe von deinem Mix-Partner Jona