Cozy in Pushkar 12.09.

प्रकाशित: 12.09.2019

With the rattle bus 3 hours from Jaipur to Pushkar. You're bouncing around quite a bit.

Hostel looks nice. The people who worked in the hostels are always very nice.

First, let's go eat. Allegedly the best falafel in town. It was actually quite tasty. In general, you always have to bring a bit of time when you go to eat. It's usually prepared fresh.

Pushkar is very touristy. A bit of a shame, you feel like one of many. A long street with many tourist stalls, but at least you're not bothered from all sides. Mainly tourists from Israel are here.

Bought a little bit of silver jewelry.

A cold iced tea by the lake in Pushkar. The women bathe here to cleanse themselves of everything bad.

Afterwards, I took a nap, traveling is exhausting.

In the evening, there is a huge noise in the city, the people here call it music. A festival to honor one of their hundreds of gods.

The people dance exuberantly to deafening "music"

As a conclusion of the day, I went to a bar with some people from the hostel, with a great view. Because I had to satisfy my curiosity, I climbed the stairs to an even higher roof. Unfortunately, there were 2 monkeys sitting there that I disturbed while they were sleeping. One jumped at me and hissed at me. I already saw myself in the Indian hospital. But the worst part was that I dropped the cigarette out of fright.

Another day in Pushkar tomorrow.


थप यात्रा रिपोर्टहरू