
200 km mammoth stage, destination Castello de la Plana

Ippubblikat: 15.05.2024

On the second day of our trip, the test drive of 200 km along the coast was planned.

Our destination was Castello de la Plana. The weather forecast was mixed,

Waves up to 30 cm, wind 3 – 4 Beaufort.

Up to the Ebro Delta, the weather gods largely followed this forecast, but then the waves felt much higher and if you compare the picture of the waves with the common descriptions from literature, the weather gods actually added another two notches. The true wind displayed corresponded to the sensations.

So we decided to abort the test and head for one of the next ports on our route. Vinaròs was our choice. Our expectations were quickly dashed after entering the port, there was no one there to meet us, so we looked for the next port.

Puerto Deportivo Benicarló was only about 4 nautical miles away. We entered the harbor and quickly found a place to moor. Shortly before the captaincy, we were intercepted by the harbor master and given a place alongside the quay, with no other ships anywhere in sight. We didn't need electricity or water, so peace and quiet soon returned to the boat.

We had managed 150 km, including a detour to Vinaròs, a 10.5 hour drive; if conditions had been better, we would certainly have continued.


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