
Gaißau -> Buchs anno 1990

Ippubblikat: 09.07.2021

Tense, but still a bit sleepy, we set off from the post office to Rheinspitz at 3:45 in the morning.

There we wanted to pick up the "Zwoarädlar" and leave around 4:00. But instead of the car, Chico, our "guard", was lying there - drunk.

After a short back and forth, it became too much for Erhard and he left. However, the rest didn't give up so easily and the Rheinholz was combed. After a good half an hour, the search operation turned out to be successful.

Tense because of this mishap, we then left our hometown Gaißau towards Thomasee.

Around 8:15, one of Erhard's mail carrier colleagues surprised us with a feta cheese breakfast.

Since the first "Blotra" also appeared, they were provided with band-aids.

Refreshed, we walked along the highway-like road along the Rhine canal.

Around noon, it got hotter and the first complaints arose. Especially Pfünz drove us crazy with its "Bremen verschlagerei".

At around 11:00, lunch break was taken. We settled in a small forest near Widnau and unpacked our provisions. We were also strengthened with a vitamin powder that Erwin procured for us.

Unfortunately, some of them got stomach aches, but others didn't feel anything.

After a short nap, the march continued.

When our water bottles and containers were empty, it was high time to refuel. It was around 2:00 p.m. when we asked an older lady in Rüthi for water, and she even made us a coffee.

After a few more kilometers, some of Häbi's relatives awaited us with a slightly cooler refreshment.

Since we were of the opinion that Buchs was not far away, we treated ourselves to a cool "Hopfenwässerchen".

As we continued marching, Umi was taken by Häbi's relatives because his "Blotra" played a trick on him.

Some of us were already dreaming of a soft sleeping bag while we fought our way to Buchs.

Plagued by "Blotra", we finally arrived at the campsite at 5:15 p.m.

After taking care of our feet, we unrolled our sleeping bags and "whistled".

Of course, nobody was able to wash anymore.
