Kroatien 2018
Kroatien 2018

The mountain is calling

Ippubblikat: 12.08.2018

Sunday, August 12

We slept well and long at an incredible 8 degrees Celsius. In this extreme summer, we had already forgotten how 8 degrees feel.

After picking up our pre-ordered breakfast rolls, we had a extensive, sunny breakfast in front of the tent - with a view of the lake! A prime spot, so to speak. Of course, the mountains around us won't leave us alone, so it's a given that we're going up today. Backpack packed, hiking boots on, and off we go. The goal is the Dümlerhütte at 1495m.

After a steep ascent, we reached the approximately 700 meters in 1.5 hours. A little break to enjoy the great view and have something to drink. Then we continued back to the lake via the western slope. We want to swim and laze around at this beautiful spot, because tomorrow we'll move on again.

Tweġiba (2)

Das Faulenzen habt Ihr Euch aber auch wirklich verdient😘 ⛰

750 Höhenmeter😢 Gitti ich bin mal wieder total beeindruckt von dir, na ja von euch. Aber für einen Helden ist das ja eher eine leichte Übung 😀 L. G. NORBERT