Huhu, geh doch mal alleine weg! Warum ich mich dazu entschlossen habe, alleine auf Reisen zu gehen, ...
Ein Frühstück mit Schock in Berlin - warum alles ein Ende nahm
Marijuana sales on a completely different level and soaking wet, but full and happy after initial di...
Wo du meine Bilder und Videos finden kannst, erfährst du hier!
Am letzten Tag war ich nochmal richtig kultiviert in Amsterdam unterwegs!
You can read my opinion of Amsterdam, tips, and my experience with the Generator Hostel here.
Travel fatigue? My small down in Amsterdam and an amusing discovery
If you want to know who visited me spontaneously, which flash mob I got into, what's up with Paul, a...
Like Alice in Wonderland on a swing over Amsterdam or like Pippi Longstocking doing gymnastics on a ...
Alone in Amsterdam and a private concert in front of the hostel - my first day in Amsterdam
I finally arrived in Amsterdam and have some news
My absolutely perfect day in Heidelberg
Current status of my (rather unplanned) travel planning - UPDATE 19.07. (06:42)!!
My journey, my room at the youth hostel in Heidelberg, and my visit to the breakfast table
Traveling alone with Interflix, are you in?