G&N in Norwegen
G&N in Norwegen

Would you like an easy hike on the Molden?

Ippubblikat: 06.09.2023

Our day starts again comfortably today. We just sleep too well in our little hanger and we're surprised to find out today that it's 8:30 a.m. We haven't slept that long on this vacation so far. Today we're getting ready in peace and quiet, the showers are a real dream in this place and we're making the most of it 😊 You can still have breakfast at 11 a.m., at least we can and we'll stretch that out in peace too. The sun is shining on us from the sky and around midday we got ourselves together. On the agenda today: the Molden. According to the internet, this is 1100 meters high, the parking lot we want to go to is about 500 meters high. Natascha still uses her fingers to do the math and gets to 600 meters in altitude. Sounds okay though. The internet also says that the tour should only have an easy level of difficulty, so it is totally suitable for beginners. Relaxed for us, we still think and set off buoyantly.

Simply a beautiful view while driving to Molden

So here we go and we quickly start on the way up. A bit steep and unpaved at the beginning, but as always fabulous in terms of nature. We come to a piece of hiking trail like we know from Germany, the kind of dirt road, but quite flat and comfortable. After maybe a kilometer it was over again. Similar to Preikestolen, there are steps, rocks and root staircases carved into stone. But the Sherpas must have had a few after-work beers here, so it's not entirely accurate. Should that be easy? Either we have completely different ideas about what is suitable for beginners, or we are real cowards 😄 the truth, as we all know, lies somewhere in the middle. But that doesn't stop us and we continue to climb up the path. And as always, it's so worth it. Along the way you will find many little moments to collect and hold on to. The view of the fjord is awesome and puts a grin on our faces. Just such a beautiful thing. The best view of this is not from the summit, but about two thirds of the way up. The old weather shelter, which is no longer in use, can also be found there.

So just wipe it down a bit and it will work again

But if we're going to take on these hardships, we want to get to the top. So we keep going up and after every climb it looks from below as if we're almost at the top - only to see, damn, there's still a bit left 🥲 we'll make it there at some point. Tired but also happy. Entry in the summit book: Check ✔️

We sit there for a while and enjoy the endless silence. There's just nothing to hear. So unusual and so brilliant. And from here we can already see one of our next destinations: glaciers! We really want to hike to one more and see the eternal ice live. As long as it lasts forever.

This is what they are hiding from us, the glaciers. But we can already guess

The way back is quicker, but you still have to pay attention. The steps must be well placed, otherwise it quickly becomes slippery. We both don't want to make a fuss about each other. So we were on the road for about 5 hours in total, 3 up, 2 down.

On the way back we have to stop again. On the way there we saw a piece by the river that looked great and that Natascha really wanted to take some photos. Unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately there is a sign there saying that you are not allowed to enter the footbridge. But two photos still make it into the vacation folder.

A small approach to waterfall 🥰
The private jetty that we would have loved to have walked

All that remains is to satisfy the overwhelming hunger. Warm up and devour yesterday's potato soup: Check ✔️

Write a blog and then fall asleep happily: Check ✔️

Tweġiba (5)

Beim Wandern und auf Höhenreisen, etabliert man neue Rechenweisen. Mit den Fingern zählt man ohnehin, wie elf mal sechs, und zwei im Sinn. Lässt das Ergebnis wieder einmal warten, hilft man sich auf viele Arten. So legt man sich die Hand auf's Haupt, auch auf die Zunge beißen ist erlaubt. Spätestens mit konzentriertem Blick, macht es dann nun endlich Klick. Zur Probe einmal Reiben unterm Kinn, oh, das ist ziemlich weit nach oben hin... Tolle Blog-Beiträge! Tolle Fotos! Toller Urlaub! :-)

😂😂😂 tolles Gedicht nicht zu vergessen!

Wirklich schöne Aufstiegs-Story! Diese Bergvölker haben halt eine spezielle eigene Sichtweise, Aufstiege zu klassifizieren. Die machen das ja täglich. Den Gletscher-Ausläufer den man sieht gehört zum größten Gletscher Europas, dem Jostedalsbreen. An einen dieser Ausläufer solltet ihr unbedingt wandern,- es lohnt sich!

Und da hier der Christian mit Prosa gestartet ist hier eines meiner Lieblings-Berg-Gedichte von Heinrich Heine Schwarze Röcke Schwarze Röcke, Seidenstrümpfe weiße, höfliche Manschetten, sanfte Reden, embrassieren, wenn sie doch nur Herzen hätten, Herzen in der Brust und Liebe, warme Liebe in dem Herzen; ach, mich tötet ihr Gesinge von erlogenen Liebesschmerzen.   Auf die Berge will ich steigen wo die frommen Hütten stehen wo die Brust sich frei erschliesset und die freien Lüfte wehen.   Auf die Berge will ich steigen wo die dunklen Tannen ragen, Bäche rauschen, Vögel singen und die stolzen Wolken jagen.   Lebet wohl, ihr glatten Säle, glatte Herren, glatte Fraun′, auf die Berge will ich steigen, lachend auf euch niederschaun.


Rapporti tal-ivvjaġġar Norveġja