FamilyAtlas Benjie
FamilyAtlas Benjie

Lark Habour

Ippubblikat: 29.05.2022

Today we drove the most beautiful stretch of coast ever. From Corner Brook to Lark Habour, a new view of the Bay of Islands opened up with every turn.

At Bottle Cove we followed in the footsteps of James Cook.

'Grenville', James Cook's first ship.
To mark the 250th anniversary, the ship was recreated in miniature.
View of the bay with mountains in the background, some still covered in snow.

We move on and embark on the hike to Cedar Cove. Without knowing what to expect, we set off. The trail is narrow and a lot of fun. Sometimes it goes through narrow trees, sometimes over wooden planks, and finally over steep rocky sections.

The path is well marked with everything that has been washed up from the sea, mostly buoys from lobster traps.

Arriving at our destination, we have a breathtaking view of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The bay is framed by tall cliffs, and in the silence, we lose our thoughts. Besides us and the waves, there is absolutely nothing to hear here.

The washed-up driftwood piles up meters high. The force of the sea can only be imagined by the many tree trunks lying here.

Benedikt promptly marked the beach as his own. For this purpose, he dragged a branched branch meters to the water and then stood it up with all his strength. A beam placed horizontally serves as a name tag.

On the way back, we become packhorses again and safely carry the children to the starting point at the harbor in Little Port.

Little Port

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