
Day 25: Gugglafoss

Ippubblikat: 19.08.2023

Today, I was already told at breakfast that the car was finally back and I can finally go on excursions outside the farm. After cleaning three cottages and having burgers with fries for lunch, I packed my things and set off.

The Gugglafoss, a waterfall, is less than ten minutes away by car from the farm. But even the car ride itself was an adventure. At first, I didn't understand how the reverse gear works, because I had learned that you have to push down the shift thing in manual cars. With this car, after a few attempts, I found out that you have to actually pull up the shift thing. Once I figured that out, I started driving. It's already quite scary to drive with this rickety thing when someone is sitting next to you, but to drive alone? Let's just say it's a good thing it was only about ten minutes.

When I arrived, I had a beautiful view. The waterfall looks incredibly beautiful and is really worth seeing. First, I walked along the waterfall into a small cave that the water has carved into the stone over time. Since the weather was really good, the sun even came out and there was a really beautiful rainbow in the little cave.

Then I went up another path. It was damn exhausting, but it was really worth it. The view from the top is incredible. Although you can't see the waterfall from the top very well, you can have a great overview of the entire surroundings. I was lucky because there were hardly any tourists when I arrived. The only tourists I encountered were on their way up, so I was alone at the top. Theoretically, I could have just walked back down and crossed it off my list, but there is a small trail up there that follows the river. Since I had nothing else planned, I just started walking.

The trail passes by some really nice spots along the river and other smaller waterfalls. After about three-quarters of an hour, I took a break at a spot by the river where there was a small island in the middle. Then I walked a little further, but the trail faded away over time and in the end, there were probably only traces left by the sheep that were partially standing around.

Then I turned around and took another break at the little island. Actually, I had a liter bottle of water with me, but since it was eighteen degrees and sunny and I was actually dressed too warm, I had already drunk it all by then. But that wasn't a big problem because in Iceland, you can refill your bottle at almost every river. You just have to avoid glacier water. You can recognize it by its grayish color. The water was really good and ice-cold.

Afterwards, I walked back to the parking lot. So, I had been on the road for almost three hours in total and took way too many photos. I sat down on a picnic bench for a moment and ate my last chocolate bar, then I drove back to the farm.

Back on the farm, there were coffee pastries. I was really happy about that. So, note to myself: You should take more than three chocolate bars on such a trip XD. After that, I took a shower.

For dinner, we had meatballs with potatoes and a (unfortunately) spicy sauce. Today, I didn't go to feed the calf alone. One of Ingveldur's sons is here with his Thai wife and their three-year-old son. The son is cute, but he can get on your nerves pretty quickly.

When I first told people at home that I was going to Iceland for my year abroad, they all looked at me strangely. What do you want in Iceland? Yes, Iceland is not beautiful like a colorful flower field or like a popular jungle, but it is beautiful in the sense of amazing, fascinating, and surprising - the nature, the weather, and the people. I know why I wanted to go to Iceland, of all places.

See you later,



Rapporti tal-ivvjaġġar L-Islanda