
Phillip Island / Great Ocean Road

Ippubblikat: 16.12.2016

The next day brought us the sunniest and hottest day in a long time, so we had to do laundry, because it was really necessary. After that, we decided to go for a hike, which was not really exciting and also a bit exhausting with temperatures over 30°C. As a reward, we spent another hour at the beach before finally going to the Penguin Parade in the evening.

Phillip Island
Phillip Island

Since the penguins only come to the beach after sunset, we had to stay up late for once. Of course, it was a tourist attraction, but still so cute! We would have loved to take a penguin home with us. These were the Little Penguins and they are only 33 cm tall - really adorable. Overall, it was a really nice evening and a little highlight of our trip.

Phillip Island
Phillip Island
Phillip Island
Phillip Island

The next day we continued to the Great Ocean Road. I was really excited to see how it would be and definitely had high expectations - the most beautiful coastal road in the world, that must mean something. On the way there, we finally drove on a highway for the first time in hundreds of kilometers - four lanes - and of course, what had to happen happened: the right front tire burst.


So there we were in the middle of the highway - four lanes of traffic on the left - four lanes of traffic on the right - felt like the busiest point in all of Australia, and the first thing our car rental told us: we should change the tire ourselves. Of course, nothing easier than that. It would have definitely been a highlight for the passing cars, but we would probably still be standing there. I know where to find a spare tire, but that's about it. I doubt that under normal circumstances I would be able to change a tire on a highway - without me! After much back and forth, the police came first and then a tow truck (… once again). By now, I have taken more selfies from a tow truck than anything else.


But what were our parents' words when we had our first car breakdown, "this is also an experience worth having"... maybe once ... now it's the 5th breakdown in 40 days. I think we can put that experience behind us now. So, we finally arrived in Torquay - the starting point of the Great Ocean Road if you come from Melbourne. As a reward, we had a delicacy for dinner: seafood with pasta and tomato sauce. In the morning, a French couple left us the seafood, as they were flying home that day and couldn't eat it anymore. It really has its advantages to be a young, blonde girl here - we are often invited to eat. I don't know if we look so starved - but I don't think so. Anyway, it unexpectedly tasted really good and we had 2 bottles of sparkling wine with it, so the day was upgraded :D.

Now we have a week to explore the Great Ocean Road before we have to return the car in Melbourne and finally stay in an apartment for a few days. It feels like too much time for this short distance (243 km) but we'll see. The recommendations were definitely to take a week for it. Today we continued to Apollo Bay, a town that is about halfway along the route. The weather is starting to let us down a bit - it was sunny but unfortunately colder than the last two days.

Great Ocean Road
Great Ocean Road

The first stage was definitely nice, but not as spectacular as I expected. I don't know if we have seen too much coastline by now or if we just expected too much, but I'm a little disappointed. Is that it?! We didn't miss a visit to the chocolate factory on the way and treated ourselves to a focaccia for dinner.

Great Ocean Road
Great Ocean Road

For the next two nights, we are staying at a recommended campground in a national park near Apollo Bay - without internet, so without contact with the outside world. It is unexpectedly the first time in Australia that we don't even have reception. I would have expected it much earlier and definitely more often. As compensation, we are sleeping literally among the koalas - so cute! There are koalas everywhere in the trees, it's somehow an experience.

I take it all back. The Great Ocean Road, or at least what I imagined it to be, only starts at the Twelve Apostles.

Today, we explored the second part of the Great Ocean Road and it is truly breathtakingly beautiful. I have about 1000 pictures that look like postcard motifs. Now I'm positively impressed again. But the pictures speak for themselves. We drove to Warrnambool today, one of the largest cities in the area. We want to spend the next few days there as a starting point until Melbourne. A bit more civilization is somehow more suitable for us than sleeping in the middle of a national park. We also hope for a bit warmer weather to maybe have another beach day before New Zealand. The sun was shining today but with 20°C it wasn't warm enough for us. We have our demands here.

Great Ocean Road
Great Ocean Road

New day, new luck... Today we had blue skies and sunshine again. Finally, shorts and no jacket! The pictures look so much nicer ;). Today, we visited the points on the Great Ocean Road that we missed yesterday, and in the afternoon, we finally went to the beach again. We are staying in civilization again (Warrnambool) since today - so we are doing well! 

Great Ocean Road
Great Ocean Road


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