
Yosemite Day 4

प्रकाशित: 14.09.2022

I hadn't slept through the night in a long time, I could have left at 2am, but I ended up leaving around 6am to be at the top by 8:30am. Half Dome was definitely an experience, not as scary as I thought in hindsight, but still very very very cool!! After that, I wanted to go to Merced Lake, but unfortunately, the trail was very overgrown and I didn't really want to walk 10km through bushes. So I turned back on the familiar JMT trail, as another storm had appeared by then. And what a storm it was. I was completely soaked when I got back to the tent. I had made good use of the dry period to dry myself off and get into the tent in time for the continuous rain. Listening to podcasts again. Also nice :)

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