
29th December Melbourne

प्रकाशित: 02.01.2023

finally arrived in Melbourne after so many hours.
Phew,... our friend Mike picks us up and we drive to the hotel. There we enjoy our arrival beer and wait for the rooms to be ready for us. Freshly showered and changed, we set off to St. Kilda Beach, the Melbourne city beach, to spend the afternoon there. Ahh, it's nice to walk along the beach. At St. Kilda Beach we also meet Mike and Liz's son, Brody, and his girlfriend. What a surprise for us, because Brody lives in Munich and spontaneously traveled before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family. What a nice reunion.
But around 8 o'clock the jet lag hit us hard and we were glad to be back at the hotel. It's nice to lie in a bed and not in a cramped airplane seat...

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