
Back to the beginning

प्रकाशित: 25.05.2022

Back from the Theth Valley, back to the beginning of our journey in Albania, back to Lake Shkodra Resort.

We want to spend the last few days in Albania peacefully by the lake. Visit Shkodër once more. The city that captivated us from the very beginning. Although, or maybe precisely because it showcases life in Albania in all its facets. There is an old town here too, but it is not as noteworthy as Gjirokastra or Kruje. It is not located on the coast or in Albania's mountains, so it cannot offer any tourist highlights. The only exception being the impressive castle with the adjacent lead mosque. We have already reported on this.

And yet, Shkodër has left a special impression on us with its wide range of experiences. We are no longer anxious about city traffic, but rather naturally join the procession. We now know which merchant offers the best goods for sale and that bargaining is a part of it. The Russian market, as the locals told us, is something special in its own way and once again captivates us. This abundance of different colors, smells, and products is simply fascinating. We have now settled in at Lake Shkodra Resort and are processing our impressions of our journey through Albania.

उत्तर द्या (2)

Ich kann immer wieder sagen,dass ich euch beneide.Soviele schöne Eindrücken. Lernt ihr auch einheimische Leute kennen?

Ja, hin und wieder lernen wir Einheimische kennen.

प्रवास अहवाल अल्बेनिया