Thailand South/Krabi

प्रकाशित: 08.08.2018

The next day we left relatively early by boat back to the mainland. There a taxi picked us up and took us to the airport in Bangkok in about 3 hours. From there we took a flight to Krabi, where we spent 4 nights in a beautiful hotel.

We had some great experiences during our days in Krabi:

On the first day, we went to a beach in a national park nearby.

At low tide we could see lots of little crabs.

In the evening we tried out the drone a bit and took some pictures of the surroundings and the sunset.

Robin then had a beauty treatment, first haircut and beard trim

and then a foot scrub.

First one of the ladies tried it on Robin's feet, in the end both of them scrubbed and scraped and they even had to turn on the fan because they were sweating so much 😃😂 but afterwards we had baby soft feet.

The next day was Robin's birthday and we booked a 7-Island Sunset Tour. Unfortunately, we got caught in a storm after starting, which made the whole boat trip quite uncomfortable. But we made it through and after a bit of rain on the first island, the weather got better. But unfortunately, there was no real sunset again. Here are some impressions:

We stopped at this huge rock for snorkeling.

This is what our boat looked like

Chicken Island

We had something to eat on the beach, unfortunately it was already pitch dark.

We got to witness a special natural phenomenon on the way back to the port. The crew members scooped water from the sea with a bucket and poured it over our hands. The whole water was glowing and sparkling. The glow is caused by bioluminescent phytoplankton. When the saltwater is deep enough, rich in nutrients, and protected, chemical processes can cause the phytoplankton in the water to emit light, which illuminates the surrounding water. The glow is triggered by movement.
We were allowed to go into the water for that, but only a few did because the glow was not visible there. Unfortunately, the camera couldn't capture the glow, so I don't have a photo.
Definitely an interesting experience and a great ending.

As a final touch of the day, Robin got a birthday cake and a serenade from the hotel staff 😃

The next morning the alarm clock rang at 4:15 am. We struggled out of bed and drove about 40 minutes on a scooter to the Tiger Cave Temple.
Once we arrived there, we had to climb 1237 steps (some of the steps are higher than 10cm) to get to the temple. We had read before that it takes about 45 minutes to climb. We actually managed it in less than 25 minutes, but that was probably partly because it wasn't very hot yet. The whole time we were accompanied by a dog who showed us the way up 😊
At exactly 6 am, perfect for sunrise, we were on top. The setting was breathtaking, even though, as it always seems to be, there was no great sunrise to see because it was so cloudy. But since we were all alone, we could really enjoy the whole atmosphere.

We stayed for about an hour and enjoyed the view and the tranquility. 
Then we made our way back down with shaky legs, which was even more difficult than the way up.

In the evening, we went to a night market where there was a lot of knick-knacks and especially delicious food. That was how our last day in beautiful Krabi ended. Since the weather got worse, we decided to leave the south for now and booked a flight to Chiang Mai for the next morning.
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