
प्रकाशित: 17.04.2017

For Saturday, April 7th and Sunday, April 8th, we had planned to fly down to the capital.
For that, we had to wake up on Saturday morning at around 4:30 am to then take an Uber (like a taxi, only cheaper) to the airport. From there, our flight was at 7 am. Since Sarah and I were both so tired, we slept through the entire flight (which only lasted an hour anyway) and only woke up shortly before landing. Upon arriving in Wellington, we took a FlyBus to the city, dropped off our stuff at the hostel, and then went for a coffee at the harbor. After that, we went to the famous Te Papa Museum, where you can find everything about New Zealand! From the formation of New Zealand to animals in New Zealand and immigrants to New Zealand in World War I. Even though neither of us are really big fans of museums, we really liked this one. It was really interesting to learn about New Zealand's past and more about New Zealand's nature, etc. The museum was soooo huge, you could easily spend a whole day there - and it's all free! Even we were there for about 5 hours. :-)
Since we woke up so early in the morning, we were super tired. So, after checking in at the hostel, we took a nap. When we woke up, it was already quite late. We got ready, went out for a pizza, and then went to the movies - to see 'Beauty and the Beast' :-) The cinema was unfortunately sooo crowded that we had to sit behind each other instead of next to each other. But the movie was still really nice :-) After the movies, we went into town and went out for a bit. Even though Wellington is much smaller than Auckland, there were more people out and about and we had a really nice evening :-) The next day, we had to check out of the hostel in the morning and went to have breakfast on the famous Cuba Street. After that, we went to the Cable Car - it's a red train that goes up a mountain, from which you have a really beautiful view of the city. On the mountain, there is also a nice botanical garden that we also took a look at. Once we were back down, we walked to the other side of the city, to Mount Victoria. We climbed up there and had an even better view over the city than from the Cable Car. After that, we went to the Munich Bar to have a real German beer - and it actually tasted really good! :-) After the beer, it was unfortunately time to go to the airport and fly back to Auckland. We would have both loved to stay longer, as Wellington is really a beautiful city - and somehow it reminded me of Freiburg :-D

Best regards to home ♥

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