Great Britain by train
Great Britain by train

Arrival in and tour of Bristol

प्रकाशित: 30.06.2018

Upon arrival in Bristol, I already discovered some beautiful places on the way to the hostel, such as St Mary Redcliffe Church and Queen Square Park. This time, my hostel is located right in the harbor district, so I don't have to walk as far to explore it. However, the harbor district is also quite central, just like my hostel, The Grain House (YHA Bristol). As mentioned before, the hostel is located right in front of the harbor, which has a peculiar bridge. I crossed that bridge and explored the surroundings a bit. I briefly visited the Bristol Aquarium, then continued a bit further where I found Bristol Cathedral, The Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, as well as Bristol City Council with the unicorns on the roof.

Next, I went to a nearby hill where the Cabot Tower is located. The entire hill is a large park, and at the top is the tower, which I also reached and climbed up the narrow spiral staircase. From the tower, you have a fantastic view over Bristol.

On the way back, I saw a museum for science enthusiasts (We The Curious), but I haven't had time to visit yet. Since it's pretty close to the hostel, I can use it as a filler ;-) Anyway, it has a fantastic mirrored ball on the outside, although I'm not sure what it's for exactly.

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युनायटेड किंगडम
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