Auslandssemester Kroatien
Auslandssemester Kroatien

Welcome to Zagreb

प्रकाशित: 28.09.2022

Hello everyone,

Obviously you've opened the link and are incredibly interested in my life and adventure in Croatia. That makes me happy.

This blog is simply here to provide some updates. I won't be writing every week here, but whenever I feel like it. The first entry has to be at the beginning, of course.

The train journey to Croatia was relatively relaxed. 12 hours of pure travel, a transfer in Munich, and a brief check by the Serbian police shortly before the border. Just a normal train journey. When I arrived in Zagreb at 9 pm, my buddy, whom I met through a program, picked me up from the train station. Vid, a likeable guy, I'll get to know him better in the coming days and do something with him.

He then took me to the student dormitory, where I was greeted by a very talkative security man. The room is...quite something, but it will do for the next 5 months. Two people in one room and sharing a bathroom with another apartment.

I also met my roommate later. A Portuguese, with a difficult name that I forgot. He studies law and seems nice at first. Let's see how living together with him will be.

So, to conclude, my first real day in Zagreb. I picked up my free bag at the university, where I met a group with whom I spent the day. Exploring the city a bit, visiting a museum and eating. Unfortunately, they live far outside Zagreb, so we won't see each other often. Well, I'll have to approach new people, but it will be fine.

Thanks to everyone who read all the way to the end and stay tuned for when William writes next.

Stay healthy


उत्तर द्या (2)

Hallöchen wir haben sehr aufmerksam gelesen und freuen uns sehr, dass Du schon gute Eindrücke sammeln konntest. Wir sind auf die nächsten Berichte gespannt. Bleib gesund und habe Spaß Dein Opa und Ulla

Hey, wie toll, dass du gut angekommen bist. Dann schmeiß dich mal weiter ins Abenteuer. Freue mich auf weitere Berichte. Herzliche Grüße Diana

प्रवास अहवाल क्रोएशिया