Day 14 Oualidia - Essaouira African burn out

प्रकाशित: 31.01.2020

So far, Morocco has been everything to me: beautiful, exhausting, ugly, friendly, etc. Today, I drove about 150km on country roads along the coast to Essaouira. Often, there were beautiful stretches of coastline with impressive views of the sea. But driving is quite exhausting. Constantly, you have to watch out for potholes, people might be running across the road somewhere, or there are many donkeys or horse-drawn carriages. And not to forget the many trucks that were on the road today. Finally, we also passed an accident where a camper van was in the ditch. It looked pretty bad. I went there, of course, there were many people around, but there was still no police or ambulance in sight. The driver was sitting desperately on the wall, but luckily he was physically unharmed. The camper van was a write-off. While driving on, I had to think about how stupid it is when something like this happens.

When we arrived in Essaouira, we decided to park very close to the Medina so that Burki can also come along. Besides, it was already relatively late, so we will spend the night on this guarded parking lot. Good thing Rudi has blinds. Oh, by the way, speaking of spending the night: last night, I slept very well 😴 it was absolutely quiet except for the sound of the sea. We then strolled around the Medina and the harbor a bit. Tomorrow morning, I will try to find a dentist again because I lost my inlay or it just fell out. Exciting. In general, by this evening, I felt that it's enough for now. The many impressions are overwhelming me. I hope it will be a bit quieter in the south.

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