Lago Llanquihue and Osorno Volcano

प्रकाशित: 28.02.2022

On February 19th, we continued our journey by car further south, to Llanquihue, the largest lake in Chile. We made a stop at Martina's, who was a student in Valdivia at the time, where she studied and now lives on a large Fundo. And in between, the well-known rain caught up with us.

We visited Alfred, who was a pastor in Frutillar during our time there and bought a piece of land right by the lake. He built himself a small cottage and usually spends the summer there; however, due to the pandemic, he has been in Chile continuously for over a year. There is still a lot to do, construction sites everywhere.

When the Osorno is free of clouds, it constantly presents itself in a different light. Sometimes it looks like a painting.

Our return journey took us back to Valdivia and from there by plane to Santiago. We enjoyed a night at the Hilton Garden hotel before heading back to Lima the next day. It felt like coming home.

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