From Brisbane to the Great Barrier Reef

ꯐꯣꯉꯈ꯭ꯔꯦ꯫: 28.11.2016

The first week with the rental car was so enjoyable that we also rented a car for the last 10 days in Australia and drove north from Brisbane. Here, too, there are endless beaches along the coast, rocky coasts with secluded bays, and many national parks with impressive nature. We drove into the hinterland (which the Australians call the same) and climbed mountains, albeit small ones, went off the beaten path, and drove west instead of north. This way, we saw completely different landscapes and sometimes felt like we were in the wild west of the USA. Everything was very dry and brown, and the otherwise lovely landscape seemed rather bleak.

Elliott Heads, a small coastal town near the northern tip of Fraser Island, was supposed to be the northernmost point of our trip. We stayed with a very warm couple (he is German) with whom we felt very much at home. On the first evening, the two of them took us to the tennis court and in this way, we made contact with many locals. We feel very comfortable here in general.

I am called 'Darling' at least once a day, not by Torsten, who still speaks German with me ;), but by cashiers, passersby... It gives you a good feeling.

One highlight of the past week was visiting the 'Mon Repos Turtle Centre'. Under expert guidance, we were able to witness how the giant turtles come to the beach under the cover of darkness, dig a large hole, lay their eggs, and then return to the water after burying the hole. The whole process took about 1.5 hours, and it was indescribable to be able to experience everything.

Two days later, our biggest experience so far followed: snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. Early in the morning, we spent over two hours on a catamaran to the southern part of the reef, where we could admire the breathtaking underwater world in the large lagoon of 'Lady Musgrave Island'. Corals in various forms, big and small fish in all colors, water turtles seemingly floating through the water, and even a 2-3 meter long shark, which luckily seemed to be full. This experience cannot be put into words!

In the last few days, we have only stayed in private accommodations and have been able to meet a lot of people, from young to old, from nice to stubborn, from weird to conservative.

Tomorrow we're heading to New Zealand to visit the kiwis. Let's see what they're like.



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