WebWag2024 - A silver wedding anniversary trip
WebWag2024 - A silver wedding anniversary trip

Today is a real highlight. We're going on a helicopter tour. Unfortunately, Ira is skipping it because of Corona. Micha and I are a little excited.

At 9:15 we three are taking a shuttle to the nearby landing site.

There we start with the first procedures - passport control and weight determination. Then a short film about - where are the emergency exits, life jackets and vomit bags, and that during the flight, the doors should not be opened.

We're flying in a Comfort helicopter with 7 seats (2 in the front + pilot and 4 in the back) and 4 doors (you might remember, in Hawaii the helicopter didn't have any). Two French people are joining us.

Then we're off.

Simply awesome 🤩 55 minutes over the 3 Cirques, the volcano, passing by waterfalls up to 600m deep, and a bit along the coast.


Approach to the highest mountain
The road to the volcano
The view into the volcano, here Micha and Schahaatz hiked up
Cirque de Salazie
Cirque de Cilaos
The lagoon in front of the hotel

Sometimes quite close to the slopes.

And as an encore, a forest clearing at the end.

Full of impressions and happy, we land back at the airport.

It's really a great experience to see things from above. The volcano, where the guys went hiking, and now they were finally able to see the crater from above. It's just a shame that Ira couldn't experience it. But I filmed almost everything. 😜

We're really lucky. When we were flying, the first white clouds were already forming (that's normal here, it seems). On the way back from the airport to the hotel, they were already quite dark.

During our relaxation phase on the beach, the clouds were in front of the sun and the wind picked up. This combination didn't really make us feel like staying on the beach. But we're not wimps. Schahaatz and Micha go paddling,

Ira and I, wrapped in towels, watch as the two approach the edge of the reef.

Thanks to the current, the two stay in the lagoon and eventually paddle back to the beach.


Dinner tonight at the hotel with a Creole buffet, accompanied by music and dancing.

Delicious and plentiful again.

Tomorrow is our last full day in Reunion, there's still a lot on the agenda, so we have to get up early and go to bed early tonight.

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Ein tolles Erlebnis was man sicherlich noch lange in Erinnerung behält.

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