Since the day before yesterday, temperatures here in eastern France have halved. While two days ago we were lying in the sun at over 30 degrees, today the thermometer only showed 16 degrees. However, this temperature was not bad for hiking. So we went on a tour where we saw 7 small and big waterfalls.


ꯐ꯭ꯔꯥꯟꯁꯇꯥ ꯂꯩꯕꯥ ꯌꯨ.ꯑꯦꯁ
ꯆꯠꯊꯣꯛ-ꯆꯠꯁꯤꯅꯒꯤ ꯔꯤꯄꯣꯔꯇꯁꯤꯡ ꯐ꯭ꯔꯥꯟꯁꯇꯥ ꯂꯩꯕꯥ ꯌꯨ.ꯑꯦꯁ

ꯍꯦꯟꯅꯥ ꯆꯠꯊꯣꯛ-ꯆꯠꯁꯤꯟ ꯇꯧꯕꯒꯤ ꯔꯤꯄꯣꯔꯇꯁꯤꯡ꯫