Experiences/ adventures

ꯐꯣꯉꯈ꯭ꯔꯦ꯫: 06.04.2022

Hey hey 👋🏻

It's time for an update again! 😅😂

I'm just throwing everything that has happened in the past four weeks together in this blog post.

We had three retreats. The Photography Summit, where different photographers come together to learn and share. Then we had the Family Fun Day and the Mother-Daughter Retreat. The tasks of our media team usually involve capturing the day in pictures or filming it to create retrospectives or use the footage for later promotional purposes. ☺️

The pictures with the yearlings are so cute! I still remember when they were very small! But it also reminds me of how quickly time flies. 🥲

It's already April! 😅 The time is getting closer. I don't even want to think about saying goodbye...

Lately, the media team has been going on exploration tours more often. We have already visited and photographed various waterfalls. 📸

I was also invited to another wedding! The daughter of the ranch director got married. It was really beautiful and emotional. 🙃😃 Just in a very American way. ☺️ The dining room was decorated accordingly, as you can see in the pictures. One of my roommates from last school year also came to the wedding. Man, I missed Kristen. I have experienced so much with her. Including the trip to Washington D.C. Her family is like family to me here in America! 🤗🇺🇸

We also took the opportunity to take some photos with our roommates. You have to take advantage of looking good. 😄 Let me introduce you: Tiana on my right, Minna on my left, and Vicki on the far left. Unfortunately, Carleigh was sick that day. By the way, she is from Canada! 😊

Last Sunday to Monday, Kyle, Karrie, and I went to Pittsburgh to stay with Lydia (a friend). Karrie was our manager during last summer's camp. She always made sure everything was running smoothly. 😉 Lydia was also a former student at the Bible school (that's how I know her). We played a lot of games, went to her hot tub, and watched a movie. All the things you do together with friends. 😉

Here's an update on the demolished bunkhouse. The construction of the new bunkhouse has already started! You can see some impressions in the gallery. 🤫

The summer camps are getting closer and closer. Today is the start of our last month of school. This month, we will be studying the book of Revelation. The most complicated book in the Bible. 🥴 May 10 is our last evaluation day. After that, it won't be long before staff training starts. That will begin a month later (June 12). :)

Our spring break starts on Saturday. It will last from April 11 to April 25. So quite a long time. However, this year I won't be going to Mexico again. If you want to know the reason, feel free to ask me. 🙂 I'll be spending the time at the ranch. I already have a few things planned that I want to do. ;)

Perhaps I'll go away for a few days before staff training starts. But I still need to think it through and plan. 😃

I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing after this year. I have something in mind. But since it's not confirmed yet, I'll wait a bit before telling you about it. 👌🏻

I hope things will start getting back to normal now. It should, because now I have a little more free time during the break. 🤣

See ya! 🤭


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