Iran is the destination. Only Iran does not want to. And the circumstances neither. After months of preparation and restoration of the brave R 100 GS, the borders for motorcycles over 250 cubic centimeters are definitively closed shortly before Easter 2019. Trump threatens to destroy the country. The Arab community applauds. The Europeans are helpless and back down. But it's too late to accept this unpleasant turn of events. After all, the job was terminated, the visa was issued, the Carnet de Passages, the international vehicle and driver's license were issued. And so begins a weeks-long struggle for the special permit to enter Iran.

At this point, I am not concerned about the countries I will pass through on my way there and back. I have never been interested in Eastern Europe. I crossed Turkey from west to east as a student, back then still on four wheels. I only know Bulgaria from research for an article. North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina are black spots on the map of my interests.


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