Trekking tour day 1: Strenuous climb to Bumdra at 4200 meters

ꯐꯣꯉꯈ꯭ꯔꯦ꯫: 04.04.2024

Day 1 of the trek: Ascent to Bumdra Camp

Today our driver takes us up to the starting point of our 2-day trekking tour at 2800 meters. We hope that we are already well acclimatized to the altitude, as today we have a day hike ahead of us with an elevation gain of 1300 meters and our destination is at an altitude of over 4200 meters. Admittedly, this is a challenge for us, as we are not particularly experienced mountain hikers - and certainly not at this altitude.

It goes through unique forests: pepper trees that smell when you rub their leaves between your fingers, barberries and ancient rhododendrons. Almost all the trees are covered in hanging moss, nature seems completely untouched and almost all the trees are covered in hanging moss "Old man's beard". This growth is a sign of the extraordinary health of these trees, as this growth only thrives in the very best air quality.

Around midday and after conquering about 1000 meters of altitude, we reach the Bumdra Camp, where we "set up" our tent and, after a short break, have lunch. We are now at about 3800 meters of altitude and the air is noticeably thinner.

The view from the camp is breathtaking. According to legend, 100,000 fairies flew from Bumdra, which means 100,000 rocks, to paradise during the time of Guru Rimpoche in the 8th century.

After lunch we continue up to the summit. On the way up we stop briefly in a cave to meditate and light a fire in a stone niche in front of the cave. According to our guide Sangay, this is supposed to drive away the evil demons.

Further up the path we pass a hut. Our guide tells us that a monk lives there who has decided to meditate in complete isolation and darkness for 3 years, 3 months, 3 days and 3 hours. During this time he is not allowed to have contact with anyone or be seen. Food is placed in front of his door by his relatives without any contact. He only leaves the house to carry it into the house (see photo with green privacy screen in the entrance area).

After walking for another two hours, we reach the summit at a height of around 4200 meters. It is lined with countless white flags that flutter loudly in the wind. What a mystical atmosphere!

It becomes noticeably frostier and after enjoying the summit atmosphere for about 20 minutes, it's time to start the descent.

Once back at camp, we have dinner in the dining tent, which is heated to a somewhat bearable temperature by a gas heater.

Then we go straight to our tent. Under what feels like 20 blankets and with the help of hot water bottles that are brought to us, we brave the cold and fall asleep exhausted.

