molismagicmemories - goesnambia2018
molismagicmemories - goesnambia2018

Tag 48: No Crocodiles in Sparta

ꯐꯣꯉꯈ꯭ꯔꯦ꯫: 20.08.2016


Today two memorable events happen: First, once we pass Rockhamton, we leave the crocodile area. I am a bit disappointed that I didn't get to see any of the reptiles in nature. However, a part of me (primarily the limbs preferred by crocs) is relieved. Although there were signs of significant crocodile danger a few times, as Austrians, we are maybe too grown-up to be on their menu. The top safety measure, therefore, is to always surround yourself with some Asians, as they are smaller than you and thus much easier prey (it is very easy to follow this rule because it is probably impossible not to be surrounded by Asians[1].

Secondly, we have our first notable argument. I don't want to go into detail, just to say - I am right, Gudi is not. Anyway, I find it noteworthy that it is only now, after a month and a half of constant togetherness, that we start having disputes - and apart from one or two frying pans flying towards me, this one is not physical[2];).

Otherwise, very little happens in the described twenty-four hours. This is mainly because we are entering a zone on the east coast that shines at best with a remarkable number of farms and the presumed record of dead kangaroos on the side of the road. In order to reach Brisbane and eventually leave Queensland (the state we are in), we have no choice but to cover tough and seemingly endless 500-600 kilometers.

Furthermore, the only other thing worthy of mention on this day seems to be that my beard has reached a length that brings with it some more and less glorious facts: The itching of the skin under the beard - I suspect some bird nests in it - is one of the less glorious accomplishments of a beard wearer. On the other hand, the upcoming admission into the exquisite family of Spartans is something that fills me with pride and joy.

Gudi's glorious laws:

Do whatever you want with your beard, but please don't talk about it all the time!

...and for heaven's sake, don't use my hairbrush to comb it. Gudi actually thinks that I pay too much attention to my beard. Well, she has been a bit confused lately. For example, she claims lately that she brought a hairbrush from home. Now, to be understanding and to cool down the emotions, I lend her my beard brush.

[1] I know, my statements are a bit racist, and of course, I don't wish a crocodile attack on anyone, but on day 48 of this journey, I am starting to develop a certain sarcasm due to the constant presence and persistent behavior of our Asian fellow citizens.

[2] Gudi will correct me later: 1. In her opinion, there have been some smaller discussions before. 2. Of course, she has never thrown a pan at me.


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