First things first: no rain gear needed today! That lifts the mood :-) Only a short distance from Wanaka to Queenstown, less than 100km (almost not worth getting on the scooter for). Great landscapes and views, a nostalgic hotel to rest, and finally the view of the valley in front of Queenstown - simply beautiful!


ꯅ꯭ꯌꯨ ꯖꯤꯂꯦꯟꯗꯗꯥ ꯂꯩꯕꯥ ꯌꯨ.ꯑꯦꯁ
ꯆꯠꯊꯣꯛ-ꯆꯠꯁꯤꯅꯒꯤ ꯔꯤꯄꯣꯔꯇꯁꯤꯡ ꯅ꯭ꯌꯨ ꯖꯤꯂꯦꯟꯗꯗꯥ ꯂꯩꯕꯥ ꯌꯨ.ꯑꯦꯁ

ꯍꯦꯟꯅꯥ ꯆꯠꯊꯣꯛ-ꯆꯠꯁꯤꯟ ꯇꯧꯕꯒꯤ ꯔꯤꯄꯣꯔꯇꯁꯤꯡ꯫