First night survived

ꯐꯣꯉꯈ꯭ꯔꯦ꯫: 02.07.2017

02.07., 9:00 am:

After taking my - once again delayed - bus from Heathrow Airport to Brighton yesterday and enduring about 2 hours of travel, I got off directly at Brighton Beach, but then wanted to go to my host family first because of the luggage. About 20 minutes later, with my suitcase, I stood in front of the family's door and couldn't find the doorbell. Funny, there wasn't one either... So I took out the travel documents from my carry-on luggage and called the house right in front of me. Then it went pretty quickly and I was shown around the really beautiful house and shown my room. You can also see photos in the attachment! 😊

I was briefly explained the house rules, which really aren't particularly difficult to follow, I got a house key and then the host mother Jennie and her daughter Jess said they were going to a birthday party. So I had arrived for not even half an hour and I was already allowed to explore the house alone - of course with permission. 😉

After recovering a bit from the journey, I welcomed another new German guest for 4 weeks and at the end of the day our host mother drove us through Brighton and showed us the 'hotspots' of the city, our workplaces and even the stadium of the local football club.

Today I will explore the area near the beach a bit and maybe look for a tennis club.

See you later!


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