26.08.2018 - Ruins of Limenas, Kastro, Waterfalls of Maries Part 2

ꯐꯣꯉꯈ꯭ꯔꯦ꯫: 15.09.2018

Then we continued around the island and drove up to the mountain village of Kastro (in 2012 there were 9 inhabitants). There is not much to see, but the architecture of the houses is unique and very beautiful, and you will be rewarded with a great view.

From here we drove back down and then up to Maries. Behind Maries there is a reservoir with two smaller waterfalls, which we visited and photographed. Before leaving, we bought some fresh pine forest honey and then headed back to the hotel.

It was a very nice, educational but also very exhausting day, we are tired.


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