Insel-hopping in Nordfriesland // Day 3 // The Ellenbogen doesn't end

ꯐꯣꯉꯈ꯭ꯔꯦ꯫: 02.06.2019

Fresh and cheerful (already on day 3 at the sea and on the island, I am, as expected, deeply relaxed), I set off from the hotel towards the Ellenbogen. It's not that far, I thought. But it is. After I had shortened part of the route thanks to the bus, I had arrived directly at the beginning of this northernmost tip of Sylt. That thing way back there on the right is the final and truly real island ending - the courage had already left me before I even started walking:

There are many sheep on the Ellenbogen
There are many sheep on the Ellenbogen

Really many sheep
Really many sheep

And somehow you have the feeling that you are walking. And walking. Keep walking. Always further. And never get there:

And there is a looooot of vastness. And sand.
And there is a looooot of vastness. And sand.

The end is back there at the lighthouse
The end is back there at the lighthouse

In short: After 3 hours of sea, sand, sand, dune, dune, sand, sheep, wind, dune, birds, birds, wind, etc. I had had enough. I stopped and went back to the bus. Without having reached the end. But I didn't care, it was definitely too monotonous for me ;-).

Even sheep stand at the bus stop
Even sheep stand at the bus stop

They are not bothered by anything
They are not bothered by anything

Instead, I decided to drive back from the northernmost point towards the south. To Kampen, which I more or less left out in the rain yesterday. Also today: No celebrities. Already a few champagne sippers and Louis Vuitton shopping bag carriers everywhere. But overall much less chic than I expected.

Anyway, the island is totally relaxed, there are almost more dogs (birds and sheep anyway) than people and you can walk around anywhere in jeans and sneakers without being looked at strangely. No, I have to say, I underestimated Sylt. It is really beautiful here! I like it!

Back among people: At the
Back among people: At the 'Red Cliff' in Kampen


Goodbye Sylt, off to Föhr!


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