
Since the end of March 2020, we have been spending time in Ländle.Because a little virus also wanted to go on a world trip.And wants to hold up a mirror to us humans.

At home we now have one more little treasure.The little Mailo is so cute.But Lenny and Zoe have absolutely enriched our time at home.

What a crazy feeling to start traveling again with our good old Rudi today.

Today's parking search is a shout out to Burki, we are right on the Inn with a view of Schärding.Oh, it all feels so familiar and good again.The goal is to be in Greece in a week.Today, the car navigation system groaned and said it can't calculate the route all at once.

In a week we will meet with Tanja and Charly and our children will join us 4 days later. 3 weeks together like in the old days.Oh, how I'm looking forward to it.Aischa and Family are exploring France with Amarok and a trailer.This is also a cool group.

So, the opening is made, let's see how it goes.The little one with the spikes on its surface is still on the way.


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