Mount Augustus - here we come!

ꯐꯣꯉꯈ꯭ꯔꯦ꯫: 31.10.2018


We are still going further into the Outback. We drive a piece (about 77 km) on the road we came yesterday, and then turn towards Mount Augustus. This huge standalone peak is one of the most spectacular on Earth and is our destination for today.

The vastness of the Outback continues, dry steppe with low bushes as far as the eye can see, sometimes more, sometimes less rocky. The soils change between reddish brown and white chalky "earth". We only encounter very few vehicles on this day as well.

After hours, the outlines of our destination appear in the distance. Mount Augustus, also known as Burringurrah, is twice the size of Ayers Rock, but much lesser known and located in isolation. We didn't know anything about it until a year ago. Unlike Ayers Rock, it is a massive inselberg, whose rocks are three times as old as those of the red cult mountain and looks more like a normal mountain ridge. However, it is still very impressive. It rises over 700 m from the plain, is 14 km long and 5 km wide. It is also covered in sparse vegetation, unlike Ayers Rock. But its rock also glows in a reddish brown color.

About 40 km before our destination, a disaster strikes - holes in both rear tires at the same time. We are standing on the side of the track at 38 degrees. What now? We have a spare tire and a repair kit from Günther. The men are already mentally preparing for the repair. But we are lucky. As if by a miracle, a car passes by and rescue approaches in the form of a farmer. He skillfully takes care of both tires and after about 45 minutes, the damage is repaired. We can continue driving today.

But our two men are still not calm. Will we make it safely to our next destination the day after tomorrow? Gerhard and Günther are already mentally rehearsing the different scenarios.

We spend two nights at the "Mount Augustus Tourist Park" - the only accommodation for miles around. The few guests here all stay in container units or their own vehicles. There is only a reception, mini shop and a petrol station, no restaurant. Everyone has to take care of their own meals. But we have pre-ordered from home and Kathy, the boss, has excellently filled our refrigerator for two days.

Before dinner, we don't want to miss the play of colors at Mount Augustus at sunset. So we get back in our car. Along the way is the Cattle Pool, where we make a brief stop. At the Emu Hill Lookout, we enjoy the deep red rocks in the light of the setting sun, all by ourselves, with wine and beer.

Back again, Gisela fries delicious beef steak and lamb sausages. We have potato salad, tomatoes, and cucumber. Really tasty! We have plenty of beer, wine, and water on board. So the day ends reconciled after all!

In the next few days, we won't have any WLAN, so please be patient!
