Tag 95 - negotiable

Нийтэлсэн: 06.08.2019


We set our alarm clock again today because we are continuing and leaving Gili Trawangan. We have already packed most of our things yesterday, now we just throw the remaining items into our backpack and go to our usual breakfast place. Not only for us, it is unusually early, the guys from the camp are obviously still busy processing yesterday's party. We wait at first, but after half an hour of waiting we start to get impatient because our ferry leaves at 11 and we should be at the dock an hour earlier. And we didn't set our alarm clock sooo early. Eventually, Roul shows up and asks us for our breakfast wishes - omelette and coffee have become routine. We eat a lot and then head to the harbor at almost 10 o'clock.

The bike ride alone is not really fast, on foot and with two backpacks, it is quite sweaty and we arrive at the harbor at quarter past 10 and sit down exhausted on the benches. Our ferry is not here yet and according to the information from the harbor personnel, it will arrive punctually at 11 today. Well, then there is still time for a little shopping.

As announced, the ferry arrives and we board. Inside the ferry it smells quite unpleasant of vomit and we think we are so clever and head straight for the sundeck. But on the stairs we are stopped again - the sundeck is only allowed for passengers continuing to Bali after Lombok! I try to make the man understand that I get seasick quickly and that the smell in the cabin is not conducive to well-being, he remains stubborn and I trust in the travel tablets that I have taken as a precaution. So we spend the first time below deck, but the majority of the journey very relaxed (party music, Bintang and quite strong waves included) on the sundeck.

Back in Padang Bai, it is not as easy as expected to find a driver heading north of Bali. Trips to Ubud, Kuta, Uluwatu and everything else in the south would have been included with our ferry provider, but it will take some time before we go in that direction again. So we walk through the whole village negotiating and are famous because we are willing to pay 'only' 250,000/15€ rupiah for 25 km (unfortunately the app with which we usually book all our trips doesn't work here, but shows a price of 170000/10€ rupiah, which we used as a guide). In the end, we are so exhausted that we pay a driver 270000/17€ rupiah - it doesn't matter! The main thing is that we continue.

So after an hour's drive, we arrive in Amed, bought at a 'high' price. Amed is actually the region consisting of 8 small fishing villages along the coast. Our accommodation is relatively simple again, but there is a bed frame and a mosquito net! What really counts is the surroundings and they are fantastic! From our small terrace we have a view of the sea and the garden, and chickens with their chicks are running around everywhere - very cute.

We quickly drop off our backpacks and go straight to the beach and jump into the refreshing water. You have a good view of the highest volcano in Bali, Mount Agung (about 3000 meters high, unfortunately still covered by clouds), and the black, rocky sand is a good change from the white sandy beaches on Gili T. The water is crystal clear and it gets surprisingly deep after a few meters (I think this has something to do with the eruptions and tremors of Mount Agung - I think I read something like that...).

After drying off in the sun, we go to the Warung that belongs to the accommodation and order very boring Nasi and Mie Goreng, although the menu looks very promising because it is cheap and versatile. The rather long waiting time for the food is bridged with free popcorn - fresh and salty - makes a great appetizer! Fried rice and fried noodles are excellent. Large portions and great seasoning. For 90 cents a smooth 8 out of 10!

These travel days exhaust you more than you think - because you actually sit around most of the time and let yourself be driven, but we fall asleep tired in bed and enjoy the sound of the sea to fall asleep.

- Jonna


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