Day 12 - Zeeland (NL)

Нийтэлсэн: 31.07.2018

We got up early, packed everything and drove to Bouwserdam on the North Sea in Zeeland.

It was nice here because the temperatures were about 10 degrees lower than inland. Pleasant 24 degrees, wind and sun.

When we arrived at Brouwserdam, we had breakfast first and then went down to the beach. Simply wonderful here!

And finally, we could put our feet in the water - the North Sea doesn't dry out that quickly.

At some point in the afternoon, we found a nice natural spot. Contrary to what our fellow campers at the dam said, this corner was still very empty. And so we had a great evening here in Zeeland.

We will definitely go there again.
And tomorrow we will continue strolling along the coast towards Belgium... or something like that!
Vanlife rocks!

Zeeland is worth a visit.
It is much better to stay at the coast than inland.
We prefer water over mountains.
Sea air makes us tired.
Too much sun burns our noses.

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