Day 14 - Whisky & Wildlife

Нийтэлсэн: 09.01.2023


Get up at 8 am sharp. Today we first plan to do the Wildlife Walk in Prom National Park. Hopefully, we will spot some animals. We start off and soon arrive at the starting point. Much fewer people but even hotter, so we pack some water and put on sunscreen before we hit the trail.

It seems like all the animals have already found a safe and shady spot. Unfortunately, we don't see anything. We keep going and then we hear some rustling. A hunched kangaroo in the tall grass. We approach cautiously and it raises its head. We realize it's an emu. And there's another one. Scratch that - there are actually 5. A mother and four babies. Happy about our find, we continue walking.

All of a sudden, something moves in the bushes and when we turn the corner, there are two kangaroos on our path! We happily take a photo.

Back at Yoshi, we begin Part 2 and head towards 'Whisky Bay'. We didn't find any buried whisky or rum, but we found a wonderful beach. And today, we're going all the way into the cool ocean. We need some relief from the strong sun.

Finally, at half past 1, it's time to say goodbye to the national park and continue driving towards Melbourne. We still need a place to stay for the night. In Korumburra, we find a relaxed campground. For the first time, we meet fellow Swiss travelers. An older couple from Winterthur is also on a similar camper van trip. They have a lot of stories to tell, and we have an entertaining evening because of it.

PS. The built-in grill is finally working!

PS2. It took a while, but we found all the switches.


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