Xcacel and Baby Jesus

Нийтэлсэн: 07.01.2020

On January 5th, the sun finally shone and we made our way to a really beautiful beach, which was surprisingly empty for a Sunday. First, you have to walk through the jungle and hope not to be hit by falling coconuts. That's where I finally got some color. 😀

Afterwards, we went to eat camel at a seafood restaurant. However, I didn't find out exactly how camels and seafood are connected there.

Still thirsty, we found a small bar in Tulum where Eduardo was the only Mexican guest. 😀 Tulum is full of Americans. You can also tell by the restaurants that describe themselves as "authentic Mexican cuisine."

In the evening, our hosts invited friends to eat the traditional Rosca de Reyes. It is a kind of cake with small baby figures hidden inside, representing the baby Jesus. Everyone cuts a piece and if they find a figure, they have to make tamales for everyone else. I was lucky and didn't find one. 🤓


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