Meine Reise ins Wunderland
Meine Reise ins Wunderland

Нислэг ба ирэх

Нийтэлсэн: 04.08.2019

On 01.08.2019, my adventure in Malaysia for half a year finally began. After a last good meal (goulash and dumplings in Prague), we went to the airport. Then it was time to say goodbye :( the most unpleasant part of the journey... but it has to be done, I can't take all of you with me (unfortunately). The flight and everything went well, but I just don't like flying and eventually got tired of it, so I was glad when we finally landed on 02.08. at 15:15 local time (09:15 in Germany). First, I got a SIM card and then waited forever at immigration. Only to find out that I was at the wrong counter :( So I went to the other counter where I happened to meet the other assistants. Unfortunately, it took so long that my flight was no longer listed at the baggage claim. So I wanted to find someone who could tell me where on earth I could find the suitcases, and then I saw that they were still being collected. So I was able to take my suitcases without any major problems, but it was exciting for a moment. Afterwards, the four of us shared a taxi and drove to our home for the next six months, the Pentai Panorama. The other three live together in an apartment, five floors above me. So I always have someone to ride with and explore everything ^^ The journey took about an hour and when we entered Kuala Lumpur, my first thought was: this is not a beautiful city. Lots of high-rise buildings, construction everywhere, and it was also cloudy and hazy, which made the city look quite bleak. When we finally arrived, we went straight to the apartment. My landlady is really nice and showed me around the complex. Unfortunately, she had to leave, and on the 'way back' I got lost for the first time. Fortunately, everyone here is super nice and helpful, so it didn't take long for me to find my way back to the apartment. Then we went shopping. Thanks to Google Maps, which showed a non-existent market, I found myself in a dark, deserted backyard. But again, the people were very friendly and showed me the way. Although people here are not so good at giving directions, it's more like 'over there' than a detailed description. But so far, I've found everything. After the somewhat tedious shopping (I couldn't really decide what to buy for breakfast, let alone what I wanted for dinner), I had something to eat at home, finally took a shower (there is no air conditioning in the bathroom, so showering is only refreshing for a really short time), and then went to bed, my first night in Kuala Lumpur. I also survived that and woke up fresh and lively the next day.


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