Mossala- Iniö- Taivasola- Mussalo

Нийтэлсэн: 10.06.2022

This was the day of the ferries. In the morning, we went directly from the campsite to the ferry to Iniö, which was a short trip. After about 5 km of driving, we reached the next short ferry and after that, it was only about 7 km to the next one. There, we had to wait for 2 hours for the connecting ferry, and we spent our time drinking coffee, enjoying the view, and relaxing by the water. But that was the last ferry for the day, so we had to cycle 16 km to our accommodation. The campsite was very busy, but since we were the only ones with a tent and bikes, we got to have the whole rock promontory reserved for us. After settling in, we went to the sauna and later cooked pasta and enjoyed the beautiful sunset.


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