
Start of the IMS

Нийтэлсэн: 14.09.2023

The first turbulent week of our service school IMS is behind us. We're still trying to find our way around the foreign culture, and with a baby it's not always as easy as we thought.

Our week begins with a welcome party from the children. They show us specially rehearsed dances and everyone eats together at a huge table in the courtyard of the homes. What a warm welcoming culture! Our sunshine has discovered its new favorite place. When he doesn't want to discover the world with his own feet, he prefers to spend his time on dad's shoulders. He can decide for himself when to shake hands with whom, because no one here can get to him so quickly :)

We always have lessons at school in the morning and a changing program in the afternoon. We visit the family center, a Taoi temple and Hannes is there at the feedings (more on that at another time).

The week becomes turbulent because of our internal struggle. The external conditions are not quite as expected. That's why we keep asking God whether we should stay here and for how long. With responsibility for a baby, this is all a “different story.”

But day after day we get the answer to our prayers to stay here for now. The daily verses in our Bible app hit you anew every morning. (Monday - 2 Tim 2:15; Tuesday - 1 John 1:7; Wednesday - Rom 15:5; Thursday - 1 Sam 2:2) As the crowning conclusion of our school week on Friday, 2 Corinthians 4:18, in which stands:

That's why we don't allow ourselves to be distracted by what is currently so visibly pressing us, but rather we focus our attention on what is still invisible. For what is visible passes away, but what is invisible remains forever.

What a strong message to us, written thousands of years ago, but exactly fitting for our current situation. Our decision is made - we'll stay here until we hear otherwise.


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