When venturing into the Norwegian landscape, one will surely wonder why there are small piles of stones stacked on the roadside, mountains, or fjords, and may temporarily believe in a natural wonder or think they see a petrified troll. However, this is not the case, as it is quite different. These towers are called cairns. An old custom says that these little men are supposed to protect hikers from malicious trolls, which is why not only many people add more stones to them to preserve them, but also build their own cairns to bring luck and protection to other people and maybe even their loved ones.

Of course, we also took the opportunity to think of our loved ones, who could use a little luck and protection right now, and built some little men. (The pictures show only our own built men)

With this post, we not only want to give an insight into the culture, but especially show that each and every one of our dearest and closest people accompanies us.

Хариулт (2)

Danke für das Steinmännchen :-) :*)

Das sind die schönsten Steinmännchen, die Norwegen je gesehen hat. Vielen Dank

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