Herr Schröder fährt los...
Herr Schröder fährt los...

He's back!

Нийтэлсэн: 29.06.2019

So now I'm back in Celle, and it already feels like saying goodbye to my sabbatical half-year. The second big journey is over...

School starts again in 6 weeks. That makes me a little sad. Alright, you can't change feelings. Nevertheless, I make it nice for myself, especially in Celle.

Because it's still a few weeks and there are still some adventures to face:

Defeating dragons, rescuing maidens, solving magical riddles... I take it on with great joy!

So not...

Celle = everyday life, rain, dreariness, depression, repeats of TV series from the 80s and 90s.


Celle = action, fun and happiness, buxom female students in airy summer dresses, internship in emergency medical services, leisurely strolls in the French garden, exhibitions in the city museums...

And it started off amazingly well yesterday... I fell completely exhausted out of the train and straight into the arms of the charming Mrs. Pinto. 😍 What a beautiful reunion, colleague.

Thank you!

Then off to 'Chez Morlock' on Bahnhofstraße. It's a) the weekend and b) you only live once and c) I can afford it. I treated myself to the house specialty: A draft beer.

Ah, delicious!

On the subsequent walk through the night, I listened to a podcast from the ARD-Audiothek app. It was about sustainable travel. Several experts spoke there and they recommended not to fly as much as possible. And if you do book a flight, you should make a voluntary compensation payment to limit the damage somewhat. The provider is called 'Atmsofair.de,' and I looked it up on the internet again and both Stiftung Warentest and Zeit-online give it a thumbs up.

And so I did it... World improver, do-gooder, left-green-rambling traitor to the fatherland for the homogenization of the Western world!

I did it! For the climate!!!

I entered my flight from Berlin to Bucharest into that mask and they calculated a compensation fee of 8. Okay, I then transferred 10. It takes a little more energy to lift me up, so I thought 10 would be more appropriate. ✌️

And today? Off to the sun:

City stroll, pick up the glasses I ordered weeks ago, buy salad and potatoes at the weekly market, a late breakfast at the café 'Kiess&Krause'.

And tonight it's off to the movie theater 'achteinhalb'.

That's La Dolce Vita! 💋👌


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