
From royal palaces to animal clinics...

Нийтэлсэн: 22.06.2024

Currently we have two sick dogs on board. The big Amy is still struggling with her open wounds from the contact allergy and also seems to have heart problems. Our little Lucy developed an extremely swollen neck overnight. We urgently rush to the nearest animal clinic with her and experience a little nightmare there. The veterinarians are puzzled and try to puncture the swollen lymph nodes after two X-rays. Poor little one screams and is totally panicked. They try to pierce her four times unsuccessfully until, nearing tears, I say it's enough. We leave the animal clinic without a diagnosis, but with a completely distressed dog and antibiotics. We wait a few days before moving a bit further and end up in Santa Cruz. We experience a great little town on the Atlantic, but we can't really enjoy it as our dogs are completely exhausted in the truck. Fortunately, we are currently experiencing bad weather here in Portugal. It is very cool and cloudy; otherwise, our sick dogs would suffer even more.

In the nearby town of Mafra inland, we finally get an appointment for a heart echo at an Acura clinic for Amy. Two days earlier, we are there and can park for free right next to the King's palace. Fortunately, the antibiotics are slowly starting to work for little Lucy. She is still weak, but her neck is slowly swelling. The weather is still very cool, and we can leave both furry companions alone for 2-3 hours. Off to Mafra we go. The small town has a great charm as it houses the King's palace of King John V and Maria Anna of Austria (right next to our parking lot). It is the largest palace in Portugal, a World Heritage Site, and was built by the Swabian Johann Friedrich Ludwig. It took from 1717 to 1755 to complete. The gold was imported from the rich colonies of Brazil! For 8 euros admission, we are allowed to enter the Baroque splendor building. We are amazed by the luxury and opulence of the private chambers of the royal highnesses. They lived quite well for that time. There was even a billiard room. The church in the palace is also impressive. Luxury and gold everywhere you look. We really think the visit was worth it. Coincidentally, there is currently a military parade in front of the palace. The soldiers are accommodated in a rear part of the palace grounds and are currently training. They march past us in formation. We enjoy the area a bit more and have two beers and wine in a restaurant at the palace square in a prime location. We pay a total of 8 euros for 2 beers and two glasses of wine! Considering that my last glass of wine in Germany cost 7 euros, it really makes you think.

Today we were once again in an animal clinic to have a heart ultrasound and heart echo done. Amy bravely endured everything, and we now know that her heart is okay. Blood was also taken to check some values, and we will receive the results next week. Lucy is also slowly improving. The antibiotics are working, and her neck is slowly swelling down. She is curious and lively again. In the past few weeks, we have been to so many animal clinics and veterinarians like never in the last 5 years. We hope that this will finally come to an end now and look forward to continuing our journey northward.

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Gottseidank. Danke für den Bericht.