5th day from Monschau to Biersdorf 106 km/ 945 km

Нийтэлсэн: 23.05.2022

Sunday was already a sunny day with a thick cloud in the evening!
After breakfast, I took a stroll with my camera through Monschau!
Around 10 o'clock, I got on my bike, had some initial difficulties, but then I found the way and didn't lose it again. The Venn is a bike path in Belgium, I think I took the 48! The first kilometers were accompanied by bicycles on old tracks, very exciting! The bike path is a dream and a beautiful landscape, well signposted and cyclists often have priority! Large and clear markings show where to go next! I think my smile never stopped!! At some point, I came back to Germany, the bike path was still good!! It was a German-Belgian joint project!!
Before I got on the Prüm bike path, a café came just in time! The Prüm bike path is a bike path on old railway tracks, unfortunately only until Waxweiler!!!! That would have been 85 km and just right, there were also 2 hotels in the village, but no bed for me😯. It's still early so let's keep going!! But now it comes, after 85 km it's only uphill and steep!! I asked in small villages, as long as there is a bed and shower?!? There was nothing!! I think it was 8:15 p.m. when I arrived in Biersdorf, there are 3 hotels! A hotel with a restaurant was my goal! The hotel is not open yet! Nooooo, I didn't want to hear that!! The young man must have seen my suffering, I'll make a phone call! There was another hotel that was also not open yet, but sometimes they accept guests!! Phew ☺️☺️☺️ It worked! First, I had a delicious goulash soup and a cold drink! Then I pushed my bike 200 m uphill to my hotel! After the shower, I got to know the local people while having a wheat beer! Replenished fluids and had a happy hour!
May this day remain unique!!


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