Tag 159 - Goodbye!

Нийтэлсэн: 13.04.2018

It wasn't that bad after all. I'm a big girl, after all. No tears, just goosebumps. Luis came up with a rhyme for me for each hour and the class chanted it. Then we all danced together for two or three songs. In the last hour, four of the girls performed a dance in their folklore dresses to traditional music. The rest was normal class. Some of them gave me handmade notes - I could hardly decipher most of them. Not because of teary eyes, but because of poor spelling. Which means they wrote it themselves, all by themselves. So cute!!

Last night Carla, Candida's daughter, invited me to dinner in a very formal way. I was allowed to make a wish (Please, anything with vegetables!), she wanted to cook and then come here. She didn't show up at the agreed time - OK, I didn't expect punctuality. Even Candida didn't believe she would still come and served me Gallo Pinto (rice and beans) with a little piece of cold, squeaky cheese for the millionth time. Later my food arrived, a small package wrapped in aluminum foil, which Carla just dropped off at the door and now someone else is eating. Dinner invitation in Carla's style, I should have known.

I am closing this blog here and now. It's still too early to draw a conclusion, I need to let the last six months sink in first. But I haven't regretted a single second. I was very happy and surprised that about 25 people accompanied me every day. I was also surprised about myself, that I managed to keep writing with only a few exceptions.

Goodbye, dear readership! Goodbye, Nicaragua!

Хариулт (3)

Guten Morgen Marion, die morgendliche Lektüre deiner Erlebnisse werde ich sehr vermissen. Ich freue mich aber, dass du bald wieder bei uns bist und von deinen "moments" berichten kannst. Vielen Dank für die Berichte und gute Heimreise Stefan

Moin Marion. Heute schon das letzte Mal. Irgendwie geht's dann ganz schnell. Jetzt muss ich mir was anderes suchen, was ich morgens mit so viel Freude lese. DANKE ! Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Heimflug und dass Dir die Arbeit wieder Spaß macht. Lieben Gruß Beate

Hallo liebe Marion, ganz lieben Dank auch von mir für deine lebendigen Momentaufnahmen aus deinem Leben in der Ferne! Ein halbes Jahr ist schon rum? Unglaublich. Ich wünsch dir eine gute Heimreise und ein gutes Heimkommen auch im übertragenen Sinn. Bis bald mal. LG Jutta