Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip
Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip

Tag: 28 Sit back and have a cup of tea

Нийтэлсэн: 04.04.2023

Update 03.04.23

Not far from the Greek border, we found another ideal spot. So good that you can easily spend two nights here. This way, you also get more in touch with the country and yourself. OM.

As so often, there are abandoned buildings here and others that are slowly being prepared for the summer. Interesting, in any case.

Here we are once again right by the sea. If you look in the southeast direction, you can already see Corfu from here. The water is beautifully clear and turquoise blue. The contrast to the pebbles that form the beach here looks phenomenal. In the mountains, which rise immediately after the coast, many rivers are formed. Many of them flow down into the valley and merge, like here, directly into the sea.

Except for us, hardly anyone is here again. I meet a fisherman in the morning. We greet each other relaxed and friendly. He says he didn't catch anything today. At noon, a herd of goats passes by with their shepherd.

The day drags on, just like the raindrops on the alcove. It's pouring rain all day. For days like this, I packed all those books, which today, of all days, I don't feel like reading. My stash of junk food is almost completely depleted, and sleeping more would possibly lead to a bedsore. Also, note that I still don't have access to the World Wide Web. After having slept more than enough over lunchtime and, to wake up again, treated myself to a large cup of black, over-sweetened coffee, I desperately try to hack one of the Wi-Fi passwords that belong to the bars here. Strange, considering that the bar 'Garden Villa Naza' and the beach resort 'Bunec' actually look as if the last time a human set foot on this property must have been long before the invention of the internet. Nevertheless, I receive three to four bars of the finest 5G Wi-Fi waves here. It would have been too good if the password had the same name as the location, plus a simple number combination like 1, 2, 3. To be so close on one hand and at the same time still be separated from a world of countless possibilities is hard to accept. I'm slowly starting to miss those funny animal videos that bring a smile to your face even on a rainy day.

But from desperation, new great ideas are known to emerge. As the saying goes: Necessity is the mother of invention. Since the internet has already been invented, that idea is out, but I could now advocate for the equal rights of the internet, no matter which mobile network operator you are using. My task would be to fight for worldwide free, unlimited use of at least 5G LTE and only stop when this progress is recognized by all countries and included in their constitutions. If there is a right to physical integrity, there should also be an 'article on free Wi-Fi.' I could call the movement 'Friday for WiFi.'

I feel the urge to take action and how this new task gives my life some meaning again. Motivated, I make another cup of coffee. In this endeavor, it is important to be determined and clever. My assertiveness and diplomatic skills are now in demand.

In the first step, I will immediately get in touch with my mobile network partner Vodafone, preferably by email. That's the approach after another cup of coffee and careful consideration.

But that's not possible without a network. I actually only have one option, to write a classic, handwritten, of course, formal letter. I have paper, a fountain pen, and a glass of blue ink at the ready, of course.

To make sure that this letter does not arrive from Albania shortly before Christmas, it would probably be safest to commission a carrier pigeon, I think as I write down 'Dear Sir or Madam.' That is probably already the first small hurdle to overcome. No one said it would be easy. Stay on it, stay focused, and think constructively, I tell myself.

As so often, the solution is right in front of us, as it usually is.

Tomorrow, I will once again have to order one or two beers in some cafe in order to use the short time window to search the internet for a reliable carrier pigeon. It shouldn't be a problem on eBay classifieds. Until then, the only thing to do is sit back and have a cup of tea.

I'm sitting here with plenty of time,

but without Wi-Fi near and far.

My smartphone only works in flight mode,

so I feel almost dead.

I wish I could surf a little bit,

on one of my favorite sites,

Read, like, watch videos,

And occasionally share something.

I want it to be like home,

even here in a foreign country,

I turn on my Wi-Fi,

and it connects automatically.

But unfortunately, there are rules

that say you have to pay extra for roaming.

Whether with T-Mobile or o2,

what's added is subject to charges.

Ultimately, I have a choice,

to pay or not to travel,

Or in the next bar,

treat myself to one or two fresh beers.


The pictures are from 02.04.


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