09.08 Ørnes - Stokka 96km

Нийтэлсэн: 10.08.2020

I woke up at around 8am and felt very good. Magnus prepared breakfast while I packed my things. We said goodbye at the pier, where my ferry departed promptly at 10:45. It had been raining all night and it didn't look like it would stay dry in the morning either. However, I had 4 ferry connections along my route, which determined my day in terms of time but also provided warmth, electricity, food, and drink. The landscape somehow passed me by, veiled in clouds and gray. After 30km, the second crossing came, followed by another 30km of biking. Short boat trip and 26km back on the saddle. At the last stop in Stokkvågen, I had the option of a closer stop or going directly to Sandnessjøen, which would save me 30km. I chose the 2nd option. Upon arriving in Sandnessjøen, I rode another 10km to a campsite and ended my day after 96km. I still had many impressions from yesterday to process and took the time to do so while riding. A little side fact, today I crossed the Arctic Circle to the south.


Best regards, back home

Хариулт (1)

War's schön auf dem Campingplatz neben dem Flugplatz?

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